Merchandise sales locations will be closed for the required annual inventory beginning Monday, June 24 at 3:30 p.m. and until completed on June 25.

Read Our Blogs

Category "Learning Opportunities"Clear results in following blogs.

The Importance of Vernal Pools

By Kim WellsPosted March 10, 2023
Do you know what a vernal pool is and what animals live there? Vernal pools are important for some species survival. I highly recommend checking out a Vernal Pool Program at a Virginia State Park to learn more about these pools first-hand.
A small pool of water in a forest blanketed with leaves, with eggs floating on the surface

Experience a Star Party at Staunton River State Park

By Haley RodgersPosted March 01, 2023
Find out what it's like to attend a star party and why you should plan to attend one at Virginia State Parks. Staunton River State Park is one of our four Dark Sky Parks that host star parties that are out of this world.
A nighttime photo with stars shining above an half orange sky as the sunsets over Staunton River State Park

Winter Wildlife Adventures at Virginia State Parks

By Kim WellsPosted January 11, 2023
Wintertime is the perfect time to view wildlife at a Virginia State Park. Enjoy a ranger-led or self-guided program that showcases the birds and wildlife that reside at the park. Bring your binoculars so you can better view these stunning animals.
Tundra Swans at Mason Neck

Seven Stroller Friendly Places to Walk

By Kim WellsPosted August 31, 2022
Seven stroller-friendly places to walk in a Virginia State Park that provide a nice outdoor adventure for you and your family. Short and long scenic walks are available, and all strolls are a great way to connect with nature and the family.
Mulberry Creek Boardwalk at Belle Isle State Park

Sailor's Creek Battlefield history and the connection to Dr. Moton

By Guest BloggerPosted February 15, 2022
The Civil War is the main history Sailor’s Creek Battlefield Historical State Park is known for, but there is a new finding that reveals that Dr. Robert Russa Moton was born here. Learn more about happenings at Sailor’s Creek in our blog.
Hillsman House on Sailor’s Creek Battlefield

Making the Most of Our Trail Quest Adventure

By Guest BloggerPosted December 28, 2021
Debra Ryder shares her experiences of completing Trail Quest with her partner RJ Meade. They started 2021 by going on a First Day Hike which kicked off their journey to visiting all 41 Virginia State Parks in under one year.
Debra Ryder and RJ Meade hiking at Belle Isle State Park.

A Deeper Dive into Group Camp 7

By Guest BloggerPosted March 20, 2021
Dive deeper into the history of Group Camp 7 during a virtual program hosted by Pocahontas State Park.
Group Camp 7

Hiking Can Be Fun for the Whole Family

By Guest BloggerPosted March 02, 2021
Top 10 tips for hiking at Virginia State Parks.
Hiking can be fun for all ages

Why I AmeriCorps? Part 3

By Guest BloggerPosted November 15, 2020
As we finish out our journey with AmeriCorps member Greene, maybe you will find that you too want to give it a try.
Kindra doing some trail work at one of the six parks in her district

Why I AmeriCorps? Part 2

By Guest BloggerPosted November 15, 2020
Continue this journey with an AmeriCorps member as we learn more about their work.
Kindra having fun on an interpretive program

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